Fortune Cookie Madness: Day 2

Isn’t inspiration fascinating? In my own musings, I shared with my friend Dianne my fortune cookie thinking and subsequent post.  Dianne shared with me her recent fortune cookie quote: One’s mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions. An older blog post from author Joan Moran discusses the idea of stretching the brain at any age and, in particular, for those of us who are aging.  (Funnily, “those of us” is probably all of us on the planet, isn’t it?) Moran notes seven tips to “stretch” one’s mind regardless of your age:

1) Reduce resistance.
2) Have an attitude of gratitude.
3) Eliminate negative self-talk.
4) Be vulnerable.
5) Learn to adapt.
6) Commit to living your passion.
7) Practice forgiveness.

I’m restating Moran’s list here as I think these tips are just how I want to live my life, stretching my limits each day to my dreams and all of the possibilities resulting from the journey to achieving my desires.  These, too, are the premises of the human experience and, well, spirit.

Have a great week and see if one of these helps you to achieve your own stretching. Dream big; achieve big.