When an End is a Beginning: A Perspective

An individual’s perception of any situation cannot be overvalued.  In fact, it is perception that makes up a large portion of any communication or situation.  One can see the same action and have two very different opinions that are filtered through the “mental cheesecloth” of one’s own experiences in life.  Today is one of those days: a stopping point of reflection and deciding just what filter I will attach to the event.  This filtration will determine my continued life journey and makes a statement for who I am.

It is with sadness and absolute joy that I am completing my final weekend of homework. (OK, I’m also writing a blog post – the ultimate multitasker!) It is the culmination of, literally, a 37-year journey of learning.  My learning was not just classroom but the journey of life and learning accumulated along the way. Sometimes, the learning stalled as I got in my own way.  Other times, the hard life lessons taught me what was important, what I wanted, and how I can use the challenge to make a course direction.  One period – which I call “the Summer of My Cancer” – taught me that life is fleeting, and shit happens when you are not paying attention (or even if you are paying attention).  My struggles during the semester of cancer treatment taught me to just take life as it comes, go down to a day at a time and, sometimes, take each minute as a blessing.  For it is the journey that makes a life well-lived.

At the end of any journey, one talks about how they got there which makes the destination all that more enjoyable.  During the holidays as we recall the year previously lived and enjoy the company of those dear to us, I hope you recall your journey with a fondness for having lived through the achievement.

May your 2018 also bring you a sense of wonder, learning, and fellowship.